
Showing posts from May, 2013

Thank you Lord, for your Blessing on me...

“Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me..” These words from an old song keep running though my head.  I know we usually think of being thankful during November, but I just can’t seem to think that we should be thankful and thanking the Lord for all the blessings He has given us.   There are some in our country that don’t have anything.  Their lives have been torn upside down from major storms and tornadoes.  While they may not have material things, they are blessed with family, friends, and people in the community helping them trough this terrible time. You see, I seem the think of not the material blessings that the Lord gives us, but those things that we take for grated some times.  The blessing of a friend calling to check up on you when you are having a bad day and just need a shoulder to cry on. I think about being blessed to spend time with my family.  I think about being blessed with a job that provides for my family.  I think about being blessed with a nice home to live in, a

Eating Healthy Frugally

Did You think I have forgotten about ya'll? Believe me I have not. Since February, our family has gone through some changes. Good ones, but this is not what this post is about. In April I started the process of getting myself  healthier.  I hate dieting! Really I do! But I knew that I needed to get healthy. My body was giving me signals that I could no longer ignore. I began my journey into the   Trim Healthy Mamma way  of eating. I quickly found out (again), that eating healthy can be costly. I began to try to figure out how to cut some of the cost of eating healthy from my grocery budget. Here is some the the things I have found out: Shop in Bulk I have found that I can buy Flex seed meal, almond flour, rye flour, and spelt flour at my local (about two hours from me) health food store for about half the cost of buying those small bags at Wally world. It is worth it for me to take a day and drive to buy a months worth of flour. Divide recipes into single servings For example, the